Monday, September 29, 2014

Standardized Tests: Good or Bad?

Do standardized tests really measure intelligence? All students are required to take state mandated tests that are designed to show how much information each student actually understands. But is this a good way to find out what students know or is there a better way to find out? What if you are not a good test taker? What if you do better with hands on activities or visuals? Please leave a comment by Monday, October 6, 2014 and explain what you feel and why.


  1. I think standardized tests are bad for you because children don't want to be in on chair for hours. Think about it when you do standardized tests it takes about five days in a row .no one wants to go through that trust me.when you do standardized test your pencil snaps and you eraseer brakes ,trust me it's not fun so that my opinion on standardized tests they are bad bad bad

  2. i think standardized tests are not bad because it is ment to see what students are capable of. Even though its boring we still have to do it to get a good grade. Even though some things are hard and our pencil brakes doesn`t mean its bad. And it gets us prepared for harder tests that are going to come when we grow up-Victoria Galarza.

  3. I think that standardized tests are good for you because those tests for example necap is to know what you learned in the years before. So they know what you know. Even though I don't like taking those tests it helps me remember some things and 3 times I've gotten a good grade and I could go to a "party" to celebrate my good scores. And that encouraged me to keep doing good in necap. Also these tests help us know what were capable of and helps the teachers know and teach us what we don't. Also what makes a child talented may not always be good grades in school but a different way of looking at the world and learning.

  4. I believe that standardized test are bad because having a tests are frustrating. Also test should not be what your capable of because people are strong in one way than another.I feel that we shouldn't have test because they're boring and test shouldn't be the judges whether we pass or stay back. Passing should determine whether we do our work and particapate.
    BY:Samantha Allen

  5. I think standardized test are bad for many reasons.For example, kids just like me we forget a lot during the summer.N.E.C.A.P a big headache. I think they usedto give to early into the year. Any way they shouldn't be judging us for our math,science,and reading skills. I agree with Samantha Allen what about our other skills. Like for instant I'm pretty good in desinging clothe but they are not going to judge me in something i'm pretty bad at (math).My conclusion is standardized test are bad the grinch kind of bad that bad. By :Isis Garcia

    1. I do agree with Isis because over the summer we forget many things

  6. i think that standardized test is a bad
    because there necap parction but the kids learn it they when the real necap come everone is scary then everthing that the learn is out there mind they get if your go to give a test give it by part to part give you give them that big test they get scaryed

    Wendy Jasilina Carvalho
    period 5 6B

  7. Yes, standard test really measure intelligence. This is a good way to find out what students know, because they can learn new things that they don't know or heard about. If your not a good test taker well, then just try your best and see what comes out. If you do better with hands on activities or visuals, then just do it the way you usually do.
    Isabelle Sidibe

  8. I think standardized test, such as the N.E.C.A.P is good. I think this because its not just seeing what we know but it is teaching us new things as well. Even thoe its boring it gets you ready for the next grade because the course of things will be more difficult. It also shows what you are capable of doing. Those standardized tell you that you will have harder tests in the future. -Emani Correia

  9. I think standardized tests are not fair because some kids have more education that others. Second, is because some kids aren't that good at tests. Last of all, standardized tests are not good because we should be tested on how we act and react to what we are learning. That's why I think standardized tests are not fair!!!
    By:alexandra mejia

  10. I think standardized tests are fair because the people who give it to you need to see if you don't belong in a high advanced class or a slower one. If u don't have the test u could put a slower kid in a high advanced class and he or she won't know what to do because the class is so fast. Also if u put a High advanced student in a slow class they will learn something but it will take a long time to get to the next subject

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. i think that standardize test such as N.E.C.A.P are good because.It tells the teachers weather or not we should be i advanced classes or lower classes it also tells the teachers weather not we should stay back. -marckus silva

  13. I think standardized test are good. I think this because if a kid is in lower grade it advanced high grade. It will take a long time to the next test. Esmelyn cruz

  14. I think that standardardized aren't the best way to measure someones intellagence because some smart people become timid and don't do tests well that why I think that standardirized tests aren't the best why to mesure someones itellagence.

  15. I think that stardard testing is bad because you'll forget most of the things in the summer that why the should do the test at the end of the year and get your grade at the next grade or send it to you in the mail.

    prd 7 6b

  16. Alioune Diba- I am especially sure that standardized tests are good in almost every way,since the score are to see how well the teachers are actually teaching and if the student are capable of using the needed skills in order to achieve.

  17. Sorry i didn't add this to the comment before, but it's to scale intelligence to it's maximum point.

  18. I think that standard testing is the best way, each person taking the test should have questions and problems based on the their intelligence level. This is the way that I think standard testing should be taken. -Devonte Ayala

  19. I think that standardized testing shouldn't be taken beacuse everybody is talented in one subject like math or science. Plus if kids dont know any answers on the test they can learn during the school year. this why I think that standardized test shouldn't be taken. ;)

    Anthony Hernandez

  20. I think yes because it shows what we need help on and what we are realy good at .I think that that because the test gives the school money for the students that need money to get better education. But the down side that the schools need to give the students that need help help

  21. I think that standardized tests can be both good and bad. They can be good because they test a student on things they should know. When they do that they can find out what you do and don't know so that what you don't know can be taugh to you. They can be bad because testing you on something you don't know can put lots of stress on you. Making a perfect grade is also stressful and hard because you might not now some of the questions. Also the grade stands for a lot and if you don't know things on the test there is no point in doing it and failing anyway.
    Charlisa Kollie
    Social Studies Period 7
    Oct. 3, 2014

  22. I think that we should have standardized tests because you'll get a good education. Keila Velasquez����������

  23. I think that we should have standardized tests.We need tests because teachers need to know what we understand and don"t understand so they can help us with it.We need standardized tests so we can know if we are doing bad or good.
    Janice Silva
    Ms. Lucena
    Social Studies, Per.7

  24. I think that standardized test are important because if we take in thge begin of the year then the teacher will reilize what she needs to teach us. Then when we take it at the end of the year she can check if we are actually improving and ready for the next grade. (Jayla Depina Per.3) (Kayla Afonseca Period.6)

  25. In my opinion standardized test's can be bad and good because some people get strested while taking tests because they think that they are going to fail.And that's all that they think about while they are taking the test. But some other peers can take standardized test as a way for techers to test your knolage and the things they have thought you throught out the year.

  26. I believe that standardized tests can be good because many kids get very stressed while taking a test and I know exactly how they feel because I'm one of those kids. Also, standardized tests are good because it helps us learn more and helps us understand more of work that we really never understood . Another thing, standardized tests are very important because , teachers see how your doing in some types of work and if they see you not understanding something they will help you because, they care about you learning and understanding types of work . That is what I believe that standardized tests are good instead of standardized tests being bad . By: Brenda Garcia Sanchez

  27. I belive that standardrized test are bad. I think it's bad because most people get easily distracted or stressed out when they take standardrized test. Plus one test is not a good way to see how you increas, it would be better if they used another strategy because one test doesn't show your skills.

  28. i think that these test are good because they help us get more education faster and can help us with the outside world when we grow up we can have these skills to help us with life. By:Steven Delossantos

  29. I think that standardized tests are good and bad because. Its good because it shows how much you've learned last year or the lessons through out the year. Its also bad because it gives you stress or you can't concentrate because of the things around you. That's what I think about standardized tests. By: Luisafernanda Perez

  30. This is going to be about if standardized tests are bad or good. I think standardized tests are bad because some of the tests make the kids get confused a bit, and it also doesn't make kids get excited so it will make them want stop doing the tests and take a break, so instead if kids do educational activities they will get excited and it will also make them understand a little bit more about what the teachers are telling them. This is why standardized tests are bad by: Joan Pereyra

  31. I think it is good because it tell your teacher.Were you are and what they need to teach you on.Also if you don't take the test then how will the teachers know what to teach you on then you will fail that grade then stay back .thats how the standardized test good and bad for you.

  32. I agree with luisa because it can be very much stresss and it can make you loose foucas

  33. yariel pena This is a paragraph about my opinion on are tests good or bad. I think tests are good because they will get challenged to learn. I'm hyper so that kind of works out for me. This is a paragraph about my opinion on tests are good or bad.
