Monday, November 10, 2014

Should cigarettes be illegal?

Considering all the bad things we hear everyday about smoking cigarettes, should they be illegal? Leave your opinion in a post of 3-5 sentences by Monday, November 17th.


  1. I think all cigarettes should be illegal because they are a bad influence to children. Every day, I see kids mimic them by "smoking Smarties". I think it's a bad influence and they could smoke actual cigarettes when they are older. Also, when you smoke, they won't just see it. They will breathe the harmful chemicals in a cigar. This is "Secondhand Smoking", and it is dangerous. People should have shame when they smoke, even if they smoke the fake electronic cigars. They will still have an effect on children. -Alioune Diba

  2. I say that it should be illegal it is bad for you. It can open a cancer cell. Also it can make the lungs black when you breath it in

  3. I think cigarettes should be illegal for many reasons.For example,first of all why do you want to smoke something that will make you die quicker. Also,cigarettes damage your teeth and nails.It makes both of those things yellow.I don't think it should be illegal i think it shouldn't be made anymore. This is my opinion. By Isis Garcia

  4. Cigarettes should be illegal because you could get many diseases from smoking. You can get cancer you won't be able to breath and it damages your teeth and your breath also when you smoke there could be people around you that have asthma and you could be making them sick. Smoking is the same as doing drugs which by the way is ten times worse and that is not good for your health either but cigarettes are still bad for you and many people get addicted to it and wast their money on it. Cigarettes are making people take risks and that is not very good for the world

  5. I think that cigarettes should be alegal because some people can get very addicted to it and waist there money on it. Some people just use it but never get addicted they never realize the harm that they do themselves. Others just do it because they have problems and want to murder themselves. I cant say that there is a good side to cigarettes because there isn't some people say that cigarretes have a good side to them but they probobly don't know the harm that it does. That was my responce of if cigarettes should or shouldn't be legal.

    Yanisbelis Pica
    Social Studies Period 6
    11/11/14 6B Celtics

  6. Yes I do think cigarets should be allegal this is my opinion because they can cause mental and physical damage to you and ur body plus people are waiting there money and there lives smoking cigarets
    Marckus silva
    6b p6

  7. Yarielpena cigarettes should be illegal cause they hurt your body and give you cancer.

  8. Yes that I think that cigarettes should be illegal. I think that smoking should be illegal because I pass by people on the sidewalk smoking and the smell is disgusting and bad for me. People who smoke damage their lungs and sometimes end up with cancer which is really bad. COME ON PEOPLE!!! Another reason why I think that smoking is bad is because that small children influence of the people they see smoking and start doing it and mimicking it like Alioune said,"smoking Smarties". This is why I think cigarettes should be illegal. -Devonte Ayala 6B P6

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think it should be legal because everyone has the right to do what they want. Some might pick bad choices but it's not your fault they did. I think that everyone should know how to take care of then selves by now because If they choose something that wasn't every good you are not the one to blame but themselves. That's why I think cigarettes should be legal

    Alexandra mejia

  11. Cigars should be illegal because there create air pollution and can heart problems.Which could lead to death.

  12. I think cigarettes should not be legal because they know what is going to happen like , lung problem that can lead to breathing problem. you can get heart problems and they, mite clone you for another one witch is bad.that is why it should not be legal.

  13. I think that cigarettes should not be legal because , cigarettes can cause many problems,like heart disease or breathing problems. Also people that smoke around other people , those people can get sick form the smoke . That is what I think about cigarettes not being legal. BY BRENDA GARCIA SANCHEZ

  14. In my opinion cigarettes should not be legal for various reasons.Smoking has many side effect's like lung cancer,breathing problems, and you can even lose your teeth. Smoking harms nearly every organ of your body.Smoking also causes to raise your blood pressure and puts stress on your heart. This is why I think smoking should not be illegal. Whenedy Gonzalez period 5

  15. Should cigarettes be legal? I think they shouldn't be legal. If you smoke a lot it becomes a bad habit. You can get lung cancer, bad breathing problems, die and even lose your teeth. Many people die because of smoking. Emani Correia

  16. Should cigarettes be illegal? Yes cigaretts should be illegal because of the following reasons. 1 Smoking becomes a surious problem. 2 You get lung cancer. 3 it becomes a bad habit. 4 breathing problems. 5 Gum disease. So as you can see those are reasons why cigaretts should be illegal. Anthony Hernandez

  17. I think cigarettes should be illegal because it can cause u to have cancer and it causes u to have many breathing problems. Many people all around the world have died because of smoking it can also cause mental problems. Victoria Galarza

  18. I think that cigarettes should be legal and illegal because many people have gotten addicted to it and if you take that away they will do something even stronger. If you make it legal and everybody will have it and many people will have it,and if many people have it it will cause many things to happen to them like cause cancer and make your teeth yellow (that's if you smoke). So if they make it illegal it causes many people to do things more powerfull like marawanna and do more damage than cigarettes but if it's legal it causes still damage so just leave it we're it's at for now ;)

  19. Yes, cigarettes should be illegal. The government says that that cigarettes can be legal, but, when people are sick from smoking they are the ones who pay lots of money to help them. Also when people smoke around small children and people with astmah problems they can face the risk of paying money they dont have to help them recover. Cigarettes are just bad period. This is why I think cigarettes should be illegal.
    Charlisa Kollie
    Ms. Lucena
    Social Studies Period 7
    Sunday November 16,2014

  20. We think that cigars should be ilegle. Becouse its not far to the non smockers to get lounge cancer. So i think that smokeing should be ilegle in united states, we need to get rid of things cousing desisi. (Jayla Depina) (Kayla Afonseca)

  21. No because when the kids Smell that they could get sick and people that are smokeing there tooth get ugly and bad that why I think smokeing sould be ilegle by wendalys martes
